To place your order for a custom Mirage Container, please follow the instructions below:
- (Step 1) Configure your dream container at this Mirage Order Form and fill out with WINGSTORE as a dealer. Please find instructions below.
- (Step 2) The copy of your order will be sent to us immidately
- (Step 3) We will contact you as soon as possible to review and finalize the order
Mirage RTS
Mirage Systems RTS harness/container for students. Mirage Systems uses quality materials making the Mirage skydiving container one of the best and safest rigs on the market.
Some of the main features are:
- Leg & harness padding as well as a standard backpad
- RTS Belly band
- Conforming harness geometry so the harness moves with you
- Modular construction for easy repair in the field
- Freefly friendly container with secure riser covers, flaps and pin protection
- Reliable main deployment
- Powerful reserve deployment
- Dependable cutaway system exclusive to Mirage with armored housings in the risers, along with an upgrade of the cable housing terminal end to a single piece
- Simple design for riggers